
‘I may kind of take it personally’

On Sept. 26, Allen Hulme made a presentation to the Elbert County Planning and Zoning Commission, and a packed room, about the idea of introducing International Property Maintenance Codes for Elbert County. His presentation was met

First year goals


A “Rural Renaissance” presentation made by incoming Developing Authority President Daniel Dobbins to the Development Authority of Elbert County, Elberton and Bowman impressed Development Chairman G

Order issued


Oglethorpe County commissioners’ “notice” to “applicators, generators and consenting landowners that plan to apply industrial food production waste/sludge” that such applications must cease in that

Pinnacle Bank acquiring Southern Bank & Trust


Pinnacle Financial Corporation (“Pinnacle”), the parent holding company of Pinnacle Bank, and SBT Bancorp, Inc. (“SBT”), the parent company of Southern Bank & Trust, jointly announced Dec.